A Christmas Eve I will soon not forget. Today Buck and I, along with our dear friends Brian and Claudia Mosher were able to participate in the Christmas Eve service at the church in Mexico. Now I have been to numerous Christmas Eve services that were extraordinary--Healing Place has had beautiful music along with a dynamic Pastor; St Mark's has always been filled with many warm and friendly people whom we consider family; we have spend Christmas in San Antonio in a small somewhat country church near Buck's parents home; we have spent Christmas Eve in numerous churches with all different styles of worship--however, today I felt the presence of the Lord so great --that as I sit here and recall the days events my eyes are welling up with tears. We spent Christmas Eve in the back of an eighteen-wheeler, with a portable heater and small wooden chairs. We gathered into the Lord's House with about 30-40 other believers and worshiped HIM with one old guitar and children playing on the floor. BUT the presence of the Lord was there. They didn't speak English and my Spanish was a little rusty, but when I closed my eyes during the music the sounds of their voices sounded angelic. The four of us went person to person and prayed over their needs and as the tears streamed down their faces I saw Jesus in their expressions. Buck spoke a word of Hope to them of what is to come in their community and I translated. They stood up and shared testimonies of what God has done in their lives and they were truly grateful. We ended the service by sharing communion together. Like I said it was a simple service, but God took the time to swing by and share Christmas Eve in this small community neslted in the back of some mountains in Mexico. God is working a great miracle--right there in the middle of poverty, in an area where the people have been taken advantage of by evil drug cartels--Jesus is shining his light. Psalms 92:15 They will declare, "The Lord is just! He is my Rock! There is no evil in him!" Merry Christmas. |
Serve Your City Tool Kit
5 years ago