Sunday, September 02, 2007

Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we can not see."

Lord you have given us so many examples of your faithful people: Abraham walked on faith when he took Isaac to your altar to be sacrificed; Sarah had faith that in her barren older years she would conceive a child; Abel walked with faith as he brought you the better offering than Cain; Moses walked in faith that he would lead the Israelites to the promise land. Buck and Esther MUST WALK ON FAITH of our God given calling. That we would know that you would deliver us to our promise land, that you would birth the dream that is conceived inside our hearts, that you would not allow us to actually sacrifice our family at your altar but rather be pleased that we would bring you our best offering we have to give you--our lives fully committed to your will. Jesus we love you. We know our calling and stand on firm ground--we will not take the easy road--but with you the road WILL be fruitful. As long as we keep our blessed hearts and motives PURE--to bring the lost and hurting to you. We will succeed; not due to us but rather YOU through us. In Jesus Name Amen

1 comment:

The Youngs said...

hey fruit cake. Miss ya bro. Hope to see ya soon. dont have ur email address. My number is 011-268-602-5612. Halla at ya boy. Winter is just around the corner I think we need to go on a ski trip so i can see the yeti ski down the moutain again. Love ya