Monday, January 19, 2009

The Process

My goodness, I can't believe it has been 19 days since my past post! Life has been fast and furious... and sometimes if I am honest I can miss the process. I have a friend who asks me each week, "So Esther How was church? How many people came on Sunday?" And I tell him all about the service. Now he asks me this with a pure heart. He is a business owner and this is how he thinks, by the numbers... So I thought about the numbers... I would like to say... "It's been amazing! We are growing by hundreds at a time." But if you know anything about church planting... you know it's a SLOW process! Up one week down the next, but then I really started thinking about the people... lives changing, soles won for Christ and I was overwhelmed... 92 people have either given their lives or rededicated their lives to Christ and we have served 1,621 hurting people all in the first 4.5 months. God is good! So we are continuing to figure how to do good church... but the emphasis is staying on the hurting... The church will grow one step at a time and just like a baby learns to crawl before she learns to walk... we will continue to take each experience and learn from it...
Lives are changing. Not perfection but changing--but again it's a process. So, my resolution for 2009 is to enjoy the process. Stop and smell the roses if you will. God has ordained each moment, and we never get our moments back. One day, I will look back on this day with great fondness. I encourage you to enjoy your current life experience, in a flash, in a instant it will be over and on to the next experience. Enjoy the process.

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