Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This past weekend was Elise's 5th birday! Wow, she is growing so fast. She shares my mother's birthday--so we all went to dinner to celebrate the bithday girl's. Elise will have her birthday party this Saturday--pray that we live through the chaos of about 20 five year olds and Bob'O Fun Center... Anyhow, Buck and I just so blessed to have three great children. I think above all else my call is to raise these three beautiful gifts from God to come to know christ and then serve him with all their hearts~ If I can do that (through God) then I have accomplished much more and anything else... As parents we must pray for our children daily, because if we don't then who will?

Psalms 127 ...Children are a reward from him (The Lord).

1 comment:

Katie Hauptman's Page said...

Happy Birthday Elise!! I hope you have lots of fun at your party!
Love, Katie