Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We just had our men’s retreat at Bonita Camp in the Mountains of New Mexico. God showed up big as we bonded as a group of men committed to have Christ at the center of our lives! Some of the things we did were a low ropes challenge course in the forest, many chapel events, watched part of the Passion of Christ, taught the plan of salvation, and then symbolically burned our sin in a campfire at an outdoor amphitheatre.

On the last day we covered the lessons that were learned over the weekend and James 1:22. “Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers of the word who delude themselves.” Each man responded with what he was going to do when he comes off the mountain. Finally, we celebrated communion together and then headed back into the world with a renewed sense of direction and strength for our lives, knowing that we have brothers in Christ to help us along the way.

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